Sometime you don’t think about preparing your home for winter until the cold weather has already kicked in. Winterizing your home early will keep you warm and keep your home safe from any weather related mishaps.


Keeping your pipes from freezing during the winter is one of the most important things that you can do. If you don’t properly prepare for temperatures to drop below freezing, you may end up with a burst pipe on your hands. There are a few different ways that you can keep pipes from freezing:

  • Insulate the pipes using insulation sleeves.

  • Seal any leaks around water pipes that could let cold air in.

  • Disconnect outdoor hoses and, if possible, shut off water valves for outdoor faucets.

  • Drip warm water from your faucet overnight to keep pipes heated.

    You can complete many of these projects on your own or you can call a professional. However you get this task done, your future self with thank you.


In most cases, heating systems like furnaces and fireplaces have remained dormant for quite a few months. Before you turn them on, be sure to complete a few tasks that will ensure they are ready for the winter:

  1. Replace the air filters in your home.

  2. Wipe down your furnace and remove any debris within two feet
    of the system.

  3. Clean your chimney or hire a professional.

  4. Check that all fire and carbon monoxide alarms are working.

  5. Schedule a professional furnace inspection.

    No one wants to wake up freezing in the middle of the night to find their furnace isn’t working. Doing these few, simple tasks will ensure you stay toasty all day and night long. As an extra precaution consider purchasing a generator for your home.


Have you ever walked around your home in winter to find that some spots in your home seem to be colder than others? To prevent unwanted cold airflow, make sure to seal your home. Check that all windows and exterior doors are properly sealed. Each exterior door should have weatherstripping on the bottom. After a few years of use, weatherstripping can become damaged. Look for any damage and be sure to replace it. You should also fill in any cracks that you see around the windows and doors with caulking. If you find that there are still cold spots around your home, you can purchase insulating curtains for your windows to keep cold air out and warm air in.


Many of us love gardening during spring and summer, but some plants simply can’t survive the cold on their own. Here are some tips to protect your plants when temperatures drop:

  • Bring potted plants indoors.

  • Keep your plants protected for the time between the first and last frost dates.

  • Add and extra layer of mulch.

  • Wrap tender plants with burlap to prevent winter sunscald.

  • Water at least once a month just before the sunniest time of day.

Certain plants many need more protection, so be sure to do your research. If you are an avid gardener, the best way to protect plants is to invest in a greenhouse.

Keeping your home protected during the winter will help you avoid any unnecessary, expensive repairs. Thinking about listing your home around winter time? Don’t worry - we can keep things safe while it’s vacant. Contact a real estate professional with expert knowledge on year-round home maintenance.